Tuesday, September 18, 2012

4.5 months of UP & UP...and a downer

Weight loss surgery, regardless of WHY you have it (mine was to reverse my diabetes) is a life altering procedure- before, during and after.

Before the surgery you have to be emotionally and psychologically ready.  There is a psych evaluation.  Every time you meet with the Doctor or Nutritionist, they are sizing you up to make sure you will be a success after having surgery.  The surgeon moves things around once inside of you.  Your anatomy changes- no matter the kind of surgery you have.  In my case, Dr Jones dissected my stomach and intestines and re-assembled them.  (More detail HERE about how they do it).  Its a pain staking process.  I was on the table longer than anticipated because my liver was enlarged and made it difficult for Dr Jones  to do what he was trying to accomplish.  After surgery is a whole other change.  Hormones rage.  Food is introduced in stages from liquids, to soft foods, to some solids.  The weight falls off.  Protein is a HUGE intake factor after surgery.  You learn to look at protein contents as opposed to calories.  Calories are important, because they create energy-which you WILL need to heal and get on the exercise regimen needed to keep the weight off.

4.5 months post-op, I am diabetes free, and nearly 60 lbs lighter than I was when my Journey began back on May 5th.  Its liberating!!

I had dinner with my cousins about 3.5 months post op.  One of my cousins, Brian, who is also an only child and we have always thought of each other as more siblings than cousins brought me to some good tears.  He said "You look better than you have in 20 yrs!)  Well, I was elated!  It was the biggest compliment he has ever given me.  After the elation wore off, I started doing the math....20 yrs.... where was I then until now?  I was then 17.  Had just stopped shy of being a professional ballet dancer with the dream of being a Disney World performer.  Then a failed marriage that began in 1999 and ended, really, well before the divorce was finalized.  A couple of relationships (1 a total nightmare) and then I re-found my husband Dave in 2009, and now the happiest I have ever been in my adult life (sans our own children, but that will come soon enough).  

Recently I started back to the gym, and signed up for a personal trainer, Marie.  She is awesome.  Pushes me, but not too hard.  My clothing gets looser by the day.  I did manage to pull a muscle in my back last week, so I am taking a little break from the gym til this Thursday.

Everything is on the Up and Up.... this morning was my downer....I know I shouldn't let virtual strangers affect my mood and my image of myself, but I let myself 'read between the lines' this morning.

I was at the bus stop with the kids I watch in the morning (1.5 hrs- we hang out and we go to the bust stop together- lovely family- the mom is a 1st grade teacher and the dad is some sort of engineer).  We were at the bus stop and another mom started to size me up and down...then proceeded to ask me how old my children were.  I told her that I did not have my own children as of yet.  Then the eyes went up and down again-TWICE- and she said 'OH'.  NOW- I restrained from reacting to her ignorant take on my physical appearance, which, I thought was looking really good today. She immediately started talking to the other mom who had just gotten to the bus stop. Had the children not been there, I undoubtedly would have made a snide left handed comment to her.  But kids hear everything- no matter what you think.   The woman is obviously very shallow, and can take her size 0 and stick it up her ugly ass.  She is no prize, mind you.

Yea, I let her get to me.  Will it ever happen again, NO.  People like her deserve to be beaten with the ugly stick after they've fallen down and hit every branch on the ugly tree because she is an ugly person, inside and out.  I, on the other hand, try NOT to be that person to others.

Thanks for reading...will try to write again soon!!

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