Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's Been A While....

It's been a while...where do I begin?  I am sitting here with my calendar open and going month by month since I last wrote, SEPTEMBER!, and trying to pick out highlights.  Downton Abbey came and went, I've noticed....ho hum!

Here it goes...

October- nothing to report!  Actually gave out candy on Halloween-never do that!

November-  six month post op appointment.  Surgeon reiterated to NOT try to get pregnant til 2 years post op.  I agreed, under my breath!  Went to Reproductive Endocrinologist.  He agreed to let me try, drug free, til January to get pregnant then we would visit the options of what to do from there if I did not conceive.

December- Mom and Bill came up from FL, with their dog, for Christmas!  It was nice!  It was an experiment in Boxer dog/two kitten/2 small dogs socialization.  We had a great time!   Happy to report it went fairly well; only have to fix the guest bedroom door (which Boxer dog gnawed on to try to get to the teasing kittens on the other side one day).  I can happily say that was the only bad thing that happened the whole time!!  We shopped.  We ate.  We ate.  We shopped.  What the Holidays have become... we also spent time with my stepsister Christmas Eve (we hosted)  (never really thought THAT would happen- but hey, we are all getting older, and somewhat wiser, in our years and bygones are bygones). and also visited Woodman's in Essex.  I had was a real treat off-season!  Managed to lose 5 lbs over Christmas- go figure!

January- arrived and was not pregnant.  Work was work.  Kids are kids (I am a nanny). Lost a couple of more lbs.

February- follow up with RE (reproductive endocrinologist).  Decided we would try follicle stimulation for March cycle.   Consisted of Letrozole and Ovidrel (injection- only once).  Of course only half was covered under our insurance, we had to pay for the injection out of pocket.  Wasn't bank breaking BUT it was enough to say "UGH" out loud.  We had a blizzard...about 2 feet of snow in a 24 hour period.  Wasn't fun.  We were prepared tho.  Gas for snow blower and generator on hand.  I did manage to fall down the stairs post blizzard after another snow fall.  Husband claims it was 'graceful' right leg, hip and ego were bruised...only me!  Dropped about 5 more lbs.

March and now:  March arrived with more snow (only a couple of inches this time) and my latest Fertility Treatment.  Dave was awesome-he gave me the injection (small needle in reality- looked worse than it felt) that REALLY stimulated the follicles-I swear its still stimulating 1.5 weeks later!   He did his research (on YouTube of all places) and was really happy to stab me, with an injection of course!   So a week later- I am miserable-having mood swings, cramping, lethargic, tired. did I mention mood swings- and hoping my blood work comes back POSITIVE for pregnancy this coming Friday, March 8th.  My birthday is March 9th. It will be a FANTASTIC birthday gift to get that positive result.  If its not positive?  I will cry, for sure, but get right back up and do another round of the treatment if need be.  Long term?  Unexplained infertility effects 20% of couples...we can always revisit adoption!!!

Will resolve to write more often...its therapeutic.

Thanks for reading- leave a word of encouragement!  :)


  1. I am so proud of you. You will get pregnant, I know it. You deserve it more than anyone i know. Love ya

  2. Thank you, Sheryl!!! Miss you and love you too!
